Adam left his life in London and job in a bank to live with us on Nosy Komba, Madagascar for four months. How glad we are that he did – throwing himself into each project that he was part of and one of the kindest people any of us have encountered.
And we’re pretty sure he enjoyed it…
“What a fantastic experience, I volunteered for eight weeks in the Forest Programme followed by eight weeks in the Marine Programme. The Forest Programme was a wonderful insight into how rewarding conservation can be. It’s very hard to pick
just one favourite moment but hiking through sub-tropical rainforest to find wildlife every day was something I’ll never forget. The Forest Team was beyond dedicated, forging relationships and earning the trust and respect of the locals which is vital to any conservation programme.
The Marine Programme was equally as rewarding and opened up a whole new world of exploration for me. I’d never dived before yet I achieved my Advanced Open Water and a total of 40 dives during my eight weeks here under the wonderful guidance of the instructors.
My 16 weeks in Madagascar were unforgettable and I can’t recommend it enough. My only piece of advice would be to stay for as long as you can.”