Fundraise Game Between MRCI Volunteer Team
& Ampang Women’s Basketball Team, ASJETNO
On Thursday the 26th of July, MRCI volunteers participated in a fundraising event for the local Ampang Women’s Basketball Team, ASJETNO. MRCI held a Volunteer vs ASJETNO basketball game to help fundraise the teams trip to the national tournament! MRCI has helped sponsor the team throughout the season and was able to fundraise enough money to get the team to regionals this year. (Past volunteers also managed to fundraise enough money to get the team new uniforms so the team could match at regionals.)
Staff and Volunteers spent the afternoon at the Ampang basketball court cheering on the games, and collecting donations from spectators. The fundraising goes towards the transportation, accommodation, entrance fee, and other basic necessities while at the tournament for the team. The national tournament is being held just south of Antananarivo so fundraising is necessary to make the trip possible for the girls.
Our volunteer girls team gave the game their all and managed to end the game in a tie! The volunteer boys team was not as lucky, but they managed to end in a close game! The volunteers all had a great time enjoying food from the local vendors, cheering on the games, and spending time with the community.
At the end of the day MRCI managed to raise 110,000 Ariary towards the girl’s travel fund! More fundraising basketball games will be organized for the future since the Volunteers enjoyed this fundraiser so much!
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