The Ampoagna Clinic Will Changes Lives For The Better,
Volunteer with us in Madagascar and make a difference!
Last week MRCI began construction on a medical clinic in the small village of Ampoagna, located on the mainland. The mayor for the region, who is also the only local doctor, currently has nowhere to see and treat his patients. Twelve volunteers and staff member travelled to Ampoagna on the Spirit of Malala, bringing lots of cement, willing attitudes, and an abundance of enthusiasm.
When we let the villagers know that the Spirit of Malala was starting its journey to Ampoagna, they ran down to the beach to await its arrival despite being told the trip would take several hours. The volunteers were greeted warmly when they arrived. The local President and the village Mayor gave touching speeches encouraging the villagers to help the volunteers as much as possible and inviting the volunteers to make Ampoagna their home during their stay.
Throughout the next several days, the volunteers worked side by side with the villagers to make hundreds of concrete bricks. They accomplished so much that MRCI sent extra supplies mid-way through the trip! When they weren’t building, they played football with the children and taught English lessons.
The volunteers came back to camp raving about their experience in Ampoagna. Despite very simple living conditions and no access to any but the most basic amenities, they left feeling wonderful about their contribution and meaningful interactions with the local community. Over the next two months, MRCI is looking forward to sending several more groups of volunteers. The next group left for Ampoagna on July 1st, with the goal of turning those bricks into foundations for the clinic.